About Us

Our School

Nestled in centrally located Hampton Field, Piedmont Play School was born and continues to be driven by the community. Today, it is housed in a beautiful building and play area that was created through community contributions from alumni families, the City of Piedmont, the Piedmont Recreation Department, and Mark Becker.

Founded in 1948 by a group of Piedmont parents, Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Dittman worked many hours together to establish the preschool. The program was initially held in the Piedmont Community Church, under the direction of Mrs. Vera Slattery. In the following year, Piedmont Play School moved to a site adjacent to Wildwood Elementary School, which was a two-room building owned and maintained by the Piedmont Recreation Department. Parents played a vital role in the school from day one, from coming together to create the school itself, to waxing the floors, to earthquaking proofing the furniture by bolting it to the walls – the families of the school are the fabric of the Piedmont Play School community.

Years later, that spirit drove the fundraising, organizing, design and build of the site that houses the school today. The Piedmont Play School community of students, teachers, families, and the Piedmont community are what make this school a truly special place.

Our Teachers

Michelle Ritchie

Simone Clark

Raven Ritchie